Equality for successful integration and family life

MiR receives support from Bufdir to work on creating a more equal society, specifically focusing on increasing gender equality in families with minority background. Through dialogue-based seminars, we work to increase knowledge and education around these themes, which are led by resources from different minority communities. Through conversations in native languages, and by having a platform for people to discuss problems they personally experience, we provide a space for reflection, which can lead to a change in attitude. MiR works together with other non-profit organizations and public agenices to implement the seminars.

Since 2018, we have expanded the project to also include the importance of gender and education choice, working on attitude among parents of minority background. Many youth who wish to take an untraditional workpath tell that they experience stigma and opposition from their family and others from their home country. As a result, youth may not have free education/work choice and may end up in careers that they have little interest or competence in. Through conversation-based seminars, films and brochures, we hope to show that there are multiple ways to a successful life for both males and females.

In addition to conversation-based seminars in 2018, we went with 18 mothers from different ethic backgrounds to Yrkes-NM and Utdanningstorg in Hellerudsletta. Here the mothers experienced different work occupations and personally tried some of the professions. The trip was carried out in collaboration with MiA – Mangfold i Arbeidslivet ( (Diversity in Working Life).

On our information page you can see the film on education and occupation choice, along with brochures regarding the same theme in many different languages.

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